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Extra Innings – Austin Young, Felix Maze & Dallas Steele

Sports Camp can be hard on the body of a young twink, and that’s why it’s important the boys find time to relax and unwind. When they’re not training their bodies on the track or in the field, the horny men that run the place are begging to get fucked by twinks like Austin and Felix. That’s a workout in itself, albeit a far more enjoyable one with significant benefits they are only beginning to understand. Getting off is great, but having your coaches and mentors wrapped around your hot, young cock is even better. The best boys get access to some of the luxuries the camp has to offer, like the private cedar sauna, usually reserved for staff. Finding themselves alone here after a long day, Felix and Austin decide to fool around a bit. It’s not often two boys find themselves alone together at camp. They are usually in large groups running drills, rushing through meals, and spending downtime sleeping to recover from all their hard work. Being alone is an opportunity they aren’t about to waste.


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