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Feed Us – Mason Lear, Brian Bonds & Parker Logan

Sooner or later you’re going to get hungry. You’re probably hungry now, aren’t you? You need cock. But you need more than that. And you don’t want to simply suck. You’re so hungry you’re drooling. You can feel that jizz sliding down your throat. Your throat is bobbing at the thought of it. In fact, you’re so eager to swallow a load or two of DNA that the thought glazes your eyes over. You must find a feeder. Maybe two. And not just any feeder with a cock. You need it to be big. You need it to stretch your jaw. You need it to bring tears to your eyes. Because by now, your lust is so strong it overpowers you. It doesn’t matter if you’re top or bottom, because even tops must eventually eat a thick, juicy slab of bull meat. Parker Logan, Brian Bonds, and Mason Lear do exactly that in this strictly oral scene. Each takes a turn at kicking back, legs spread and offering up a throbbing shaft for the other two to devour in a feeding frenzy of cock worship, cum guzzling, and protein sharing.


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