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Flirty Gamer Femboy Swaps Controller For Cock – Sam Ledger & Leo Louis

Flirty gamer femboy Sam Ledger looks so cute in his fishnet fingerless gloves and cat-ear headphones. As he rises from his gaming chair, he flashes a peek at his pink thong as it splits his perfect ass-cheeks, barely covering his tight asshole. His gorgeous eyes sparkle as he smiles, loving the attention he’s getting from his online community. But when Leo Louis shows up, Sam finds that he’s in for a whole new level of attention. As Sam keeps playing video games, Leo pulls down his panties and starts rimming and fingering him until he squirms. Sam can barely keep his attention on his game, so he tosses the controller aside and shoves Leo’s massive cock into his mouth. Once Leo’s dick is nice and wet, Sam hops onto it and bounces up and down with glee. To finish things off, Sam spreads his legs apart for Leo to cum all over his balls and ass-crack, letting the jizz drip down onto the couch.
