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Fix My Leak With Your Strong Pipe – JJ Lake & Benny Fox

Benny Fox is a shy boy outwardly but keeps a very naughty room in his house that unfortunately has a bathroom with a leaky faucet. Embarrassed but without much choice he has to call the plumber to fix this problem. Walking in he tells the Plumber JJ Lake to just ignore the Kinky Playroom in front of him but JJ’s eyes are fixed and cannot help but ask what is going on here. Benny steps forward and sits down on the bondage bench looking so innocent and they make a deal JJ will fix his leak if JJ gets to pump into Benny’s pipes. Benny the little slut inside that he is says oh yes and takes JJ’s big cock into his mouth. JJ is more than ready and bent over the bench Benny begs for the cock. Turns out that little slut is actually a bit tight, but not for long. Soon Benny is moaning like a corner slut and loving every inch. Shoving the bondage bench out of the way Benny then jumps on that cock for a ride but ends up on his back to be banged a bit more before both are close and shoot their loads within moments of each other. Benny is sure to still ask to get his leak fixed too.


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