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Fresh Air – Lorenzo August & Alexander Rajesh

Alexander’s house is a living hell. He’s constantly arguing with his bossy wife and the tension keeps building up. Desperate, he decides to call a ride and get the hell out of there to cool his head. Lorenzo, his driver, strikes up a conversation with him and tries to help him relax while he takes him far away from the place. He tells the poor guy he needs to chill and get laid to blow some steam off. Alexander explains to him that he’s constantly horny but there’s no chance his wife will suck his dick right now, so Lorenzo decides to be a good sailor and blows his passenger to help him chill. Alexander enjoys it as his driver jumps to the back seat to eat his cock. Determined to give him the best service ever, Lorenzo takes Alexander to a storehouse where a friend of his works and lets Alexander have his way with his tight asshole. The only thing he asks in return is to savor Alexander’s creamy and built-up juice after such a long time of not cumming.
