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Fucked by the delivery boy – Caua & Erick Diaz

Fucked by the delivery boy You know that lust that we create for some delivery guys when weorder, is reflected in this story! Cauã, who is a hot boy, waits for an order; He was lucky that the delivery man was a hot and gifted boy”Erick Diaz”. Nobody wasted time. The delivery man arrives, receives the money, asks for some water and drinks and the customer asks for milk to quench his thirst too. They started the fun. Cauã starts to knead Erick’s big cock until he gets hard and suck that huge dick. Erick sucks and fucks that delicious smooth ass that Cauã has. Finally, a tasty white milk appears from that ass, which was hydrated from the source of Erick’s cock. … and now I’m going to jerk off too, because I already got hard!


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