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Getting An Assist – Austin Young, Eli Bennet & Lance Charger

My name’s Lance Charger and I’m the new guy in town. I used to work as a money man in the city. What can I say? I loved life in the fast lane, but the work-hard-play-hard mentality was pretty bad for my marriage! We divorced about three years ago, fairly amicably as it happens, but the process forced me to do a hell of a lot of soul searching. Long story short, I took early retirement, I got a few tattoos, and I realized I was into guys! I moved out here to spend most of my days indulging my passions for fishing and baseball. I took a part-time position coaching sports at a local school and, for the first time in my life, I feel alive! It turns out that I’m actually pretty good at inspiring young people. Sometimes I’m out there, on the field, giving the boys a few choice hints and tips, and I can see the light going on in their eyes. That’s a really great feeling…


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