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Hard dicked – David Dimaggio & Leo Rocha

Our Latin skinny stallion David Dimaggio loves to destroy young holes with his humongous cock so we paired him with the Brazilian sweet naughty boy Leo Rocha and their chemistry is off the scale. David almost goes crazy for the perfect ass he found in front of his eyes and Leo gets impressed for the hard package pulsating inside David’s shorts. The heat is too much for both: Leo sinks to his knees and swallows David’s oversized dick, licking every inch with his willing tongue and showing once again the skills of a perfect sucker! Dimaggio returns the favour and gives all of himself wetting and fingering the epic hole. Leo can’t resist anymore and opens his legs to welcome the raw beefy dick deep inside. David hammers that cock-hungry ass with powerful strokes from front and from back till he explodes a large load all over the stuffed hole, making Leo the happiest boy ever!


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