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Incident #214 – Making The Boy Bitch Scream
April 12, 2019
27 min
Swiping stuff that’s not theirs is a common thing for a portion of our residents. It’s an issue we try to nip in the bud, and given out methods, usually the problems cease as the individual learns the consequences. Some guys, however, just have sticky fingers, and no matter how hard you try, they just can’t leave other peoples’ things be. This resident is a good example of the worst type of offender.
You can tell just by the look on his face that he is trouble. And I’ll be the first to admit that he probably isn’t very redeemable. But, nonetheless, we try. Heck, the House Managers have already been all over him for this or that issue. This time, though, I decided to take it up a notch since he had been taking my stuff as well. He definitely needed a lesson learnin’.
After pummeling his throat with my cock and slapping him around, I made sure that his ass wouldn’t feel quite the same for days. Luckily for me, his hole feels great. For him, I’m not sure how it felt, but judging from the decibels of his screaming, he probably was wishing he’d kept his fingers to himself. He was screaming like a coyote, and with each thrust of my cock deep into his cunt, he let out a loud yelp. I was pretty sure that the entire neighborhood could hear it, too. Oh, well. Losers have to pay, and this resident definitely paid with his hole.
After fucking him in missionary, I found a few other positions in order to get my dick as deep as possible. All the while this little bitch was hollering. He only quit with the noise once I dumped my load of sperm inside of him. He definitely seemed worn out, both physically and emotionally. Hopefully this is one lesson that won’t need repeating, at least from his perspective. Me, on the other hand, any time I breed a teen is fine by me. It’s losers like him that keep me going.
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