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Incident 408: Quick Treat – Adam Awbride

One of the reasons that residents often fail at their recovery is that they don’t take their own life and decisions seriously. This is why we see so many young men return to the House after a first stint. You see, once they are back in the real world, they just can’t make it. The House Managers are generally more harsh on the returnees – after all, the have hit rock bottom twice, so they need a little more “encouragement” than most. Take this resident for example. The kind of washout who still is interested in immature pursuits is also the kind of guy who can give great head and smile about it afterward. In this case, the Manager went a lot further than getting some dome. After all, he knew how easy is was to crack his hole open and get his rocks off. This sexy young thing gets fucked in numerous positions, goes ass to mouth on that fat Manager cock, and then gets his ass creamed with a massive amount of cum. Just the thing to remind him how being back at the House is associated with at least a little work.
