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Incident 282: A Mouth Made For Sucking – Jack B

You’d think that someone who grew up in a decent neighborhood wouldn’t end up in a place like this, but it’s usually because they had some sort of trauma early on. They are the ones you want to watch out for, and it’s especially important to nip problems in the bud before they grow into real issues. Since this one had just arrived, I decided to show him what the game is here and how we play it. To my chagrin, he had an attitude, so I took care of that promptly. Before he knew what was going on he had my cock in his mouth. He didn’t put up much of a fuss, but maybe that’s because I slapped him good a few times. He probably isn’t used to being slapped around, but he’d better get used to it quick. Well, one thing led to another, and before long he was showing me his hole, legs in the air. And I had him finger himself while he was working on my knob. Wouldn’t you know it, despite the grimaces and disdainful looks, we ended out first meeting with him lying on his bed, naked, with a mouthful of my cum. Overall, I’d say that’s a good first impression for him of what things will be like here.


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