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Incident 298: Try, Learn, Grow – Travis M
April 24, 2021
33 min
When most of us House Managers were growing up and in our formative years, bullying was just a fact of life. And to tell you the truth, in my opinion, I just say let these young men be – they will establish a pecking order soon enough, and it’s sink or swim in the real world. That said, everyone nowadays thinks that bullying is worse than almost anything else, and that it can be almost solely responsible for a ruined life. Well, you can argue about choices and determinism until you are blue in the face, but long story short – the bullies at the House get a one-way ticket to a cock in their faces, so I’m not going to complain too much about the modern rehabilitative environment.
This one was calling another resident a “cock-sucker.” Mean? Sure. Was he wrong? Probably not. But, in the interest of harmony, I determined to make sure he wouldn’t be calling the least among us bad names ever again. After I had had my cock massaging his throat for ten minutes I asked him “Who’s the cocksucker now?” Well, he damn well knew the answer to that. I upped the ante a little for him, too, by busting into his virgin hole. This guy has been treating others with disrespect and contempt his entire short adult life, and now the tables were turned. He took it like a man, I’ll give him that. He also took a load of my jizz right into his mouth. I’m pretty sure that was his least favorite part of the entire encounter. Tough way to learn, but I’m sure it will help him grow into a better resident, and a better person, in the long run.
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