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Incident 331: If You’re Good & Friendly – Alfonso Osnaya

This new resident gets an intake he will never forget. He needs a lot of help, as he has gotten a girl pregnant and pissed off his family, all due to his murky bad habits. Here at the House, however, the House Managers will ensure that he thrives. Not until a thorough search is performed, however. Although he seems a little put off by needing to strip down, once a big cock is staring him in the face, he knows exactly what to do. It’s almost as if he has been in a similar situation, perhaps in exchange for party favors? After getting fingered and his beautiful bubble butt checked out by the Manager, his hole gets a more thorough inspection by the staff of a big fat dick. Turns out this guy is a good fuck, too! After some ass-to-mouth, the Manager continues to pound out this beauty until the resident cums all over himself. It’s always nice when a guy in recovery can enjoy his therapy. The Manager dumps his load, leaving our newest resident to finish up his paperwork.


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