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Incident 355: Troublemaker Pound Down – Percy Johnson

There’s a theory called the Broken Window Theory, which basically states that punishing small acts of crime intensely leads to a reduction in larger crimes. Well, none of us here at the House are criminologist, but we do know that laying it down hard for something small can be helpful in creating a subservient attitude in a resident. This young man is a perfect example. He was vaping in the House one minute, and next thing you know, he’s getting pounded down hard. It’s likely that it will be a few weeks before he fucks up again. Upon entering the room, I knew this was going to be fun (for me). I confiscated his vape and not 60 seconds later his hand was rubbing all over my cock. I had him blow me for a bit, and it wasn’t bad. A bit of teeth here and there, but for a newbie, it was pretty good. I did find, however, that skull fucking him gave a much better result, and soon I was pistoning my shaft deep into his throat. It felt great, and to tell you the truth, the tears streaming down his cheeks made it even better. I knew that once I turned to his cunt, he’d be totally submissive and ready for it. Since he is new, I wasn’t sure how difficult he would be to get loosened. Turns out, it wasn’t difficult at all. I had him in missionary for quite a while, and I was going ham on his little straight boy hole. After that, he was fairly blown out, so it wasn’t difficult for him to ride me. Also, he was scared as can be, which must have given him some extra adrenaline – because he was bouncing up and down like he meant it. I finished off with a load down his gullet. This troublemaker has definitely been quelled – for now.


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