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Incident 356: Jaw Stretcher – Matthew Thomas

You’d think a new resident would try to put his best foot forward. Well, this dumb-ass wasn’t in the House a day and his room was a pig sty. As a result, he ended up putting his best mouth forward instead. Luckily, he seems to know his way around a cock, so I was one happy House Manager once he was one his knees slurping on my schlong. I face fucked him for a while before we got on the bed. When I realized he had a big boner because he enjoys cock and mistreatment so much, I had him jerk off onto my dick and then keep going. He drained my cock like a vacuum and then kept sucking away in order to get every last drop of jizz. He might be annoying, but at least when he’s got a cock in his mouth he can’t talk..


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