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Incident 375: Jizz Juicer – Kennedy Wright & Taylor Gibson

Stealing is not uncommon among a certain set of the population that tends to end up in halfway houses. For this reason, we do see petty theft a lot more than we should. Fortunately, our House Managers like to stay on top of it, and the thief is usually punished swiftly. In this guy’s case, a mere pinching of ten bucks turns into a full-on cock fest for our delinquent resident. He has not one, but two cocks to deal with. His throat and tongue get a long workout and one of our residents gets paid back for his loss. The pincher gets paid back, as well: with two loads of jizz! We make him work for his loads, too. Watch this smooth little twink eat cock and swallow loads in this documentary of justice (and sperm) being served.
