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Incident 400: Weak Things Become Strong – Trey Santos

We intend that each of our residents here at the Boys Halfway House become stronger, able to face the world without relying on dangerous crutches. Although this guy has a light rap sheet, we suspect that he might be nothing but trouble. We have no shame in nipping any behavioral issues in the bud, either. Once we got him checked in, we decided to give him the full treatment. After slurping on some House Manager cock, we spit roasted him. Turns out his dick was hard, so we felt free to keep up the pace. He rode one of the Manager’s cocks until he was given a big load right up the bum, but his torment wasn’t finished yet. The other House Manager proceeds to stretch his hole even further, all the while making sure he kept his dick hard. After the resident getting a nut, the other Manager dumps his load. Seems like this tag team just might be the way to start off our new relationship with this young delinquent. He might be weak now, but eventually he will be strong.
