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Jack Andram & Mitch Cox – New Recruit

Coach Cox didn’t want any trouble. His commitment to his players was deep, but he saw them truly as athletes in his charge, nothing more. As much as he admired their youthful spirits, athletic bodies, and strong sex drives, he didn’t want to betray their trust or his position by crossing any lines. He wasn’t dumb, though. It was hard not to notice the players coming back from the other coaches’ offices with a smile on their face, sweaty and flushed as if they’d just had an exhaustive practice, even when he knew their schedule was clear. At first he naively thought they were just providing more one-on-one coaching, but more than once he saw a little bit of liquid on his companion’s faces showing they’d performed a different kind of service. He wasn’t mad. It just wasn’t his style. He was more reserved and burdened with a sense of responsibility. And despite flirty looks from some of his more active players, he managed to keep his head focused on sportsmanship, athleticism, and proper mentorship.


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