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Jack & Barron’s Cum Show

The boys are in the gym pumping iron and flexing their muscles and wanna show off and welcome you to the cum show – and you’ll know what we mean by that during this blazing hot episode’s explosive climax! And did we mention explosive climax?? Jack is a fresh, young, new, and always-smiling face who showed up ready for fun and ready to take on Barron’s big dick. While hanging out and chatting with Jack before we filmed him in action here with Barron, he expressed how excited he was to have found his way to CF and being in a bit of disbelief it was actually happening! He’d wanted to get into some fun at CF for awhile now, but had been a bit hesitant to apply. We’re all thrilled he did eventually apply, though, and can’t imagine how he’d ever doubted we’d love to get him here! Jack’s genuinely a natural in front of the cameras and in the bedroom (or the gym, in this case) and such a genuine pleasure to have around. He’s outgoing, happy-go-lucky, and has this golden retriever energy about him. Don’t let those boyish looks fool you into thinking Jack doesn’t have a naughty side, though! And don’t doubt for a second if anyone’s going to bring out a guy’s naughty side it’s Barron! Jack takes Barron’s big dick like a champ here, enthusiastically servicing Barron before bending over and giving up his tight hole to him. Barron always loves having an eager bottom to pound, and he’s got precisely that with Jack. And when I say Barron pounds a huge load out of Jack, there’s no way anything I write could do that load justice – you’ll just have to see it for yourself!


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