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Jack Valor, Brody Kayman & Kyle Michaels – Freeuse Cock-Cleaning Services

Brody is chilling at his place when two young twinks ring his doorbell. It’s Jack and Kyle, a couple of young and handsome freeuse cleaners. These polite boys go door to door offering their special service to anyone interested. Brody lets them in and directs them to the kitchen to see them at work. As the professional cleaners get down to business, Brody strikes up a conversation with them while getting a good taste of their asses. The host fingers their holes while inquiring about their background and credentials. Jack and Kyle act like real pros, making the kitchen spick and span while their current boss plays with their tight little holes. Up next, the boys move on to the bathroom, another perfect place to do a proper cleanse. They take particular focus on making Brody’s cock shine with their tongues, licking every inch of it with care and determination. Finally, it’s time to clean the living room–the perfect place to wrap up their job while getting their holes pounded.
