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Jack Valor, Brody Kayman & Kyle Michaels – Sexercising at the Hotel’s Gym

Kyle and Jack are staying in a fancy hotel and can’t believe the amazing amenities available. There’s a pool, a spa, and even a cool gym for them to do their usual stretching. Yet, that is not the only perk of the place. Brody, a handsome guy who also loves to work out while traveling, is staying in the same hotel, and he doesn’t mind giving the twinks a nice rub while they work out. The two boys exercise normally while Brody fondles them, exploring their sweaty bodies thoroughly. The dilf takes their clothes off and plays with their dicks without interrupting Jack and Kyle’s exercise. Meditating is even nicer when a hot ginger daddy feeds you with a nice and juicy cock. As the three men hit it off, the exercise slowly turns into a fuck fest–the perfect excuse to hit the showers after such an intense fuck sesh!


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