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Jack Waters & Felix Kamp – The Interview

Sometimes you just gotta take a deep breath and walk out into the unknown. I’d wanted to become an Apprentice ever since finding an old, dusty book about The Order hidden on a secret shelf in the local library. That book kicked off a true adventure which eventually led to my being offered an interview. Two years on from the very day that I’d discovered the book, I was sitting in a gleaming white room, waiting for… well, that was the part I didn’t know. Everything here is cloaked in such extreme mystery. Of course that aspect makes it all the more exciting, but, as I sat there, in that room filled with billowing linen curtains, reality came crashing in and my heart started to pound. No one knew where I was. Even I had no idea where I was. And, furthermore, I didn’t know what being an Apprentice was all about. I had no other option than to accept whatever was thrown at me…
