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The Interview – Felix Kamp & Grant Ducati

Chapter 1: I’ve come to realize that I’m a little different from the other masters here. I’ve been described as an eccentric, a loner, a radical. I’m aware that I speak English with an accent. In my head, of course, I think I sound like everyone around me, but as soon as I open my mouth to someone new, I’m asked about my accent. I’ve always wanted to respond with: “Knowledge is power and I am a man of mystery.” My task is to interview potential new recruits. In the process of assessing them, I’m expected to put each of them through their paces. I know from the moment they walk into the chamber if they have what it takes to become an apprentice, and my instinct has not yet been proven wrong. My methods are unique. I do not remove my clothes. I never spill my own seed. I derive great pleasure from my actions but mental stimulation, for me, is far more powerful than anything physical.


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