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Jaden’s Facial from Dane

It’s hard not to bond after a little man on man action, especially for your CF action debut, but Jaden really has taken a shine to Dane during his time here – from sunrise to sunset they’re playing pool and listening to music, and they’re positively inseparable around the house. One afternoon, though, these best buds’ friendly game of pool gets a lot friendlier. Grinding on the couch escalates to Dane sucking Jaden’s dick, and then even letting his wild side out by giving him a foot job! Then it’s Jaden’s turn to go down on Dane’s thick cock, and before you know it, Jaden’s long legs are in the air and Dane’s chowing down on his hot ass. Never one to leave things half-done, Dane is eager to complete Jaden’s CF education, and he gives Jaden a thorough horny fucking, pounding him all over the couch, until Jaden hops down on his knees and takes his load all over his face!
