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Jake Nicola & Beau Butler – Just Sex

Bearded stud Jake Nicola is ecstatic to discover a completely naked Beau Butler waiting for him in bed. The hairy hunk quickly disrobes and immediately starts to rim Beau’s furry ass. With Jake’s daddy dick now stiff as a board, Beau squats onto his meat and moans louder with every inch that enters his hole. The tattooed top begins to break a sweat as he holds Beau’s arms behind his back and continually thrusts himself into Beau’s insatiable, muscle ass. A few more bareback pumps into Beau has Jake busting his load inside of the beefy bottom and breeding his ass right before Beau unloads his own balls over his hairy body. Jake then pulls out of the stud’s ass just in time to play with the fresh cream that Beau’s pushing out of his cum-coated insides.
