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Jax Thirio & Jesse Bolton – Happy Fucking Birthday Johnny Rapid

‘Happy Fuckin’ Birthday Johnny Rapid’! Celebrate with the one-and-only Johnny Rapid with the hottest raw action. Award-winning director Edward James takes Johnny and four of his best buddies on a wild bareback ride to commemorate his epic bash. Jax Thirio and Jesse Bolton sneak back to their crash pad for a quick fuck that leaves Jesse covered in their loads. New friend Apollo Fates hangs with Johnny Rapid and gets his tight ass fucked. After hearing about how tight Apollo Fates’ hole is, Jax Thirio takes an opportunity to breed his ass. The night after his big party, Johnny Rapid gets surprised with Jackson Cooper at his door leading to Jackson getting his hole pounded. If you’re ready for the best birthday celebration of all time, meet up with the boys and make sure to wish him, ‘Happy Fuckin’ Birthday Johnny Rapid’.


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