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Johnny Ford & Jesse Stone – Be a Good Boy, Take It Like a Man

Working on the house can be a stressful situation for anyone, but Johnny has been feeling particularly tense lately. Luckily, he is accompanied by Jesse, his supportive stepson who looks up to him and would do anything to make his stepdad feel better. After moving some boxes around, Johnny throws out his back, so Jesse offers to give him a good rub to make the pain go away. While massaging his stepdad’s body, Jesse can’t help but notice how hot he actually is, gently caressing his firm ass and having all sorts of frisky fantasies while massaging Johnny. Soon, the two men realize they are both horny and that whole situation got them hard as fuck. Instead of making things uncomfortable, stepdad and stepson take the chance to eliminate all tensions of the moment by indulging in their deepest and kinkiest fantasies and having a raw fuck session on the spot.
