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Facial – Josh Stone & Alex Mason

Sometimes fuck buddies are better than lovers, boyfriends, or even husbands. Just ask Josh Stone and Alex Mason. Home alone, with nothing to do, they get together and hang out to see what comes up. But what comes up is cock. Doesn’t it always? After a noisy make-out session, Josh and Alex strip down and take turns sucking each other. They end up in a delicious 69 that will make your mouth water. Except they don’t just suck dick, they give each other a good rimming! Soon, Alex is on all fours, taking everything Josh dishes out. But it’s when Alex is on his back that we see just how much of a cock slut he is and how much he likes getting fucked. Josh gives good face, eventually getting THE biggest cum facial we’ve ever seen before letting loose with a thick, ropey load of his own.


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