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Juan Brasileno & Kryzz XXX

Kryz was back, and this time he brought a friend with him. We were down to see what they could do, and they were quick to show us. After kissing, licking, and rubbing, Kryz was on his knees, releasing Juan’s meat from his undies. Kryz had no problem sucking Juan’s cock down to the balls and beyond as he put both in his mouth. After giving Juan’s dick some love, it was Juan’s turn to use his mouth as he licked on Kryz’s fuck-hole. But Juan wasn’t done using Kryz’s mouth and gave him a face fuck before throwing his boy’s legs up and stuffing him with raw meat. Neither was afraid of getting sweaty or messy as Juan drilled deep into his bottom’s ass. They welcomed it as they moved around the bed, fucking until they both drained their balls at nearly the same time.


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