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Julian Brady & Landon Pierce

I got Landon back in the studio pretty quick. I was eager to see him submit to another dude. He is totally verse, but I wanted him to bottom a couple times first. He has such a lean young build, that I just wanted to see him get pounded. Though, Julian was not that aggressive, and the two really struck a groove. Julian who has bottomed plenty, has been on the receiving end of a pounding, so I suspect he was aiming to pleasure him, and not pound him. When Landon was riding Julian’s cock, Landon got close to cumming. After doing that position we stopped to get some still images. Landon mentioned he got REALLY close, but thankfull with him facing away from the cameras, I likely would have missed his cum shot. He held back like a good boy! In the end, Julian gets him on his back and fucks the cum out of him, followed by Julian breeding his ass! Next shoot for Landon, I am going to see if he can cum while riding a cock!


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