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Julian Brady & Thompson

I think this was the most sensual I have seen Julian Brady. Thompson was way into him, and that energy just zinged back and forth, making for a more passionate shoot. It is a bit ironic too, as I had them face each other at a distance, stroking their own cocks and showing-off. Lots of eye-contact, and that distance teased them and I think lead up to the extra passion. Thompson couldn’t wait any longer, and crossed the expanse to suck on Julian’s dick. Julian returns the favor and then they do some 69-sucking. Julian was paying close attention to Thompson’s ass, getting it ready to be fucked. Thompson gets on top of Julian and they kiss and grind their cocks together. Thompson then slides Julian’s cock in, riding him facing forward and then backwards. Thompson eventually ends up on his back while Julian fucks a huge load out of him. Julian then full-on breeds him, and I put my hand in there to show-off Thompson’s cummy hole!


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