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Koby Lewis & Taylor Mason

When you get two absolute hotties like Koby and Taylor together in the bedroom you know it’s going to be a wild ride. The two are prepared from the start, shirtless and snogging, clearly both down to fuck. The sensual sucking and face fucking the two share is enough to have you all drooling precum with them, but be ready for the fuck Koby delivers because this handsome young man doesn’t hold back. It’s a good thing smooth boy Taylor is such a greedy bottom, with some fast thrusting from behind and some damn hot riding too Taylor finds himself on his back with his cum load ready to launch. Koby’s rigid cock works its magic and gets his pale lad spurting a thick mess over himself before our gorgeous top is ready to add to the mess, frotting dicks with his bottom buddy and squirting a big fountain of cock cream over him!


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