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Legrand Wolf & Caleb Cummings – Dr’s Boy For Breakfast

Dr. Wolf finishes his breakfast as he hears the soft steps of his tiny overnight guest coming into the room. Caleb is a vision as he makes his way to his handsome host, showing off his smooth body covered only by a small jockstrap. Dr. Wolf smiles, knowing that the young man did not arrive with this garment in his possession. Wolf, frequently bringing his young, smaller bottom boys back to his place, keeps a collection for them to try on, loving the look of their soft bubble butts pouring out the backside… And Caleb was no exception! His beautiful ass was perfectly shaped for the free opening of his tight athletic garment. Dr. Wolf might be larger and stronger, but he’s helpless when it comes to a cute, tiny young man presented so delightfully! Standing up, he runs his hands over the boy’s body, feeling his flesh come alive with excitement. The big man towers of him, making him hungry for more of his massive daddy dick. Dr. Wolf bends him over the table, kissing down his neck as his fingers caress the boy’s exposed hole. Soft as a peach, Cole’s ass gets him rock hard and ready to fuck.


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