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Liam Fucks Barron

Liam returning to CF to take on and get drilled by Barron’s big dick was perhaps the biggest moment of the year to that point, but Liam and Barron weren’t content to leave it there. If you thought Barron Rails Liam was a big deal, get ready to have your world rocked! It’s not often Barron bottoms, so when he does it’s important we get him to do so for a guy who really knows what they’re doing and can make it worth Barron’s while. Well, cue Liam! With his big dick and buff body, Liam can deliver a pounding like few others. Liam knows what he’s doing, and is equipped to do it all so well. What’s more, Liam and Barron get along so well with one another and have so much fun anytime they’re around one another that it only makes sense Liam is Barron’s designated top stud for the round of action you’re about to enjoy here. Yes, this outrageously hot episode is packed full of bulging muscles, deep dicking, loud moans, slapping flesh, and all-out intensity. But don’t let yourself miss spotting all those more subtle signs of just how much these two studs are into what they’re doing here, and one another – those moments of deep eye contact, the way they reach out to grab and stroke one another, the passion in those kisses and how fixated they are on one another. While Barron might not bottom much, clearly this is the way to do it, and who he’s been wanting and needing to do it with!


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