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Liam Initiating Kaden

We should use this episode as a recruitment tool – come to CF and you’ll get greeted by Liam, who’ll help you make your CF debut by having a fun little interview with you before he peels your clothes off, bends you over, and goes to town on your hole! Of course, we can’t promise CF freshmen will all get that kind of introduction, but I can promise you not a single one who does would mind it! If only we all could be so lucky as Kaden is here! Liam’s a lucky one as well, mind you – Kaden’s cute, sexy, playful, has a hot body, can match Liam’s horniness and sexual energy, and can deepthroat and take a pounding like a champ! He’s right at home rolling around in the bed with Liam, and there’s no hiding just how much he’s loving having Liam’s cock filling his hole as he bounces up and down on it and shows off his riding skills. The load Liam fucks out of Kaden (and Liam really fucks a huge load out of Kaden!) is further proof Kaden was loving his welcome to CF! It looks to me like Liam’s found himself a keeper!


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