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Legrand Wolf & Logan Cross – Dr. Wolf’s Office

Logan hadn’t had a physical in a while. With school and swimming, his every waking hour is full to the brim. But to keep himself on the team, he needs to have full physical exam. When Logan sees the doctor enter the exam room, he feels his heart flutter with excitement about the idea of being touched and handled by someone like him. As Dr. Wolf checks his pulse, height, weight, and even feels around his body, he feels himself on the edge of getting aroused. When Dr. Wolf bends him over the table to perform a prostate exam, Logan doesn’t know what to expect as he presents his smooth, tight hole to the doctor. As the tip of Dr. Wolf’s finger massages and teases his sphincter, he feels his cock begin to harden as it hangs between his legs! When Dr. Wolf pulls out his fingers and gives him a glowing assessment, he sees the young man’s boner and cracks a pleased smile. “You seem to like it,” the doctor teases, helping Logan down from the table. Logan stands unsure of what to do, knowing it’s not going down anytime soon. Dr. Wolf reaches out his hand and strokes the underside of the shaft with his fingers, feeling the warm, smooth, silky skin of the boy’s erection. Logan is stunned, loving the feeling of the man’s still wet fingers work over his member, both surprised his doctor would be so familiar but also desperately wanting him not to stop.


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