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Marcus – Chapter 3: The Fitting
October 27, 2019
21 min
Mr. Steele felt himself get hard as he was dialing up Marcus for his follow-up visit. Knowing that the cute, tiny guy was going to be coming back for a fitting was a special bonus to his job. And when Marcus walked in, he felt the bulge in his pants get a little bigger!
Mr. Steele smiles as Marcus tries on his jacket, reveling in just how the boy gets swallowed up by his clothing. He could practically fit the small boy in his pocket! But putting on his proper suits, he can’t help but appreciate his little client’s handsomeness.
Marcus stands firm as Steele runs his hands over his chest and arms, feeling for fit and ease while exciting the boy’s loins. Just as quickly as it comes on, Mr. Steele proceeds to take it off, giving himself access to the young man’s beautiful, fuckable body!
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