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Mark Winters & Bishop Angus – New Recruit

Mark was excited for his trip. The idea of going off with the team sounded like a lot of fun and a good way for them all to bond. Despite his enthusiasm, the one thing he didn’t want to do was pack! Going through his list of items and gear, Mark felt himself becoming easily distracted. He would rather do anything than tuck jocks and socks into a bag. Before long, he was checking his phone, texting, and playing games before he’d even laid everything out on his bed. When Coach Angus came to check on him, the beefy muscle bear was stunned with how far behind Mark was. He had an entire roster of rowdy, energetic athletes to get out the door and he didn’t want to have to micromanage each one. Especially his own boy. Still, seeing Mark’s jocks hanging out loose in his suitcase, Angus found even he wasn’t immune to distraction. Seeing the boy’s lean body sitting on the edge of the bed, he couldn’t help but imagine his athletic frame in action. Picking up his jock, Coach Angus asked his son to try it on.


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