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Maxx Monroe & Matthew Figata

Maxx made his way through the cold winter streets to the dark and deserted warehouse district and found himself at the address printed on the expensive business card the stranger had given him. He knew there was a level of risk to a clandestine, nighttime meeting such as this, but he had come seeking direction and purpose. He found his way through the dark building to a room lit by a solitary spotlight, in the center of which stood the impeccably dressed stranger who had found him the day before. He knew I would come! Maxx thought excitedly, enthralled by the man’s posture of confidence and expectation. Now, kneeling on a black leather ottoman surrounded by darkness and with Master Figata’s hand lightly tracing his body through the fabric of his hooded sweater, Maxx thinks he has a hint of his purpose. His face is a mixture of innocent surprise and a plea for Master Figata to continue, even as the older man pinches hard on the boy’s nipples in complete silence. Maxx’s shirt and sweater are removed and his nipples grow hard from the master’s attention. Surprising him with sharp pinches and thumps to his chest followed by delicate caresses, Master Figata causes Maxx’s mind to bend in a way that only grooming can accomplish.


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