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Oh, Brother – Zack Acland & Rogue Status

Big, bearded, and beefy Zack Acland just got fired and can really use a smoke. So he visits his stepbrother, Rogue Status. But instead of a smoke, the hunks start making out. Then, at Rogue’s request, Zack shows his baby bro what he did that got him fired. Zack offers up his cock, and Rogue drops to his knees. All we can say is, if sucking cock on the job, or getting sucked, were a dismissable offense we’d all have been fired, at one point or another. After gagging on Zack’s dick, Rogue gives up his ass for Zack to eat out, but he’s not giving it up that easy. It’s been a while since the brothers have fucked, and Rogue wants Zack to work for it. Rogue stuffs Zack’s face full of cock and, after a while, straddles his older step and goes for a ride. Rogue fucks himself then pulls off and bends over so Zack can drive. Zack pounds Rogue hard and deep then lays him on the floor where they fuck like dogs. Rogue rides Zack once more and cums with his brother’s cock up his ass before Zack strokes out a load of his own. All before Dad comes home!
