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One More Chance – Lukas Daken & Maikel Cash

We’ve got another fuck-up lad in need this week. Lukas Daken can’t seem to grow up and assume responsibility. Maikel Cash, a family friend, is helping Lukas out by giving him work, but Lukas has fucked up one too many times. But Lukas is willing to do anything – anything! – to keep Maikel from ratting him out to his dad. Decisions, decisions… We hope you believe in second chances because this week Maikel is giving Lukas one more chance in the form of crazy good banging. Lukas looks quite dashing in a casual black-on-gray suit while Maikel commands in soft gray. These studs don’t disappoint. From Lukas – ever the willing bottom – getting on all fours for Maikel’s massive cock to Maikel sliding his dick into Lukas’s mouth then, soon later, fingering his tight hole, this week’s film offers loads of chances to shoot some loads!
