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Open Season – Marc Angelo & Canadad

Like Daddy-on-Daddy action? Then you’re going to love this scene because passion and lust are alive and well between muscle bear Marc Angelo and full-bearded Canadad. These two make out as if kissing were going out of style. Before long, both Daddies are stripped down and take turns sucking each other. Canadad soon presents his ass to Marc, who devours the tender opening. He primes Canadad full of spit and stretches the hole open with his fingers. When the older Daddy is ready, Marc slowly works his uncut pierced cock inside and starts pumping. Marc takes his sweet time fucking Canadad, barebacking him first on all fours, then on his back, legs up in the air. Marc builds until he’s ready to spew, pulling out so we can see his load, then sliding back home to seed Canadad with the rest of his DNA. But things don’t end there. Canadad sits on Marc’s cock and goes for a ride, fucking himself until he lets loose with a creamy load of his own.


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