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Our Very Own – Atlas Grant & John Thomas

Atlas Grant and John Thomas are ready for their first scene together. But first, we get to find a bit about them and what makes them tick. Only then can the fun begin, with bearded, super hairy Atlas, servicing John’s big, uncut cock. But Atlas doesn’t just service John. Atlas makes a meal out of the thick and juicy, mouthwatering hunk of bear meat. It doesn’t take much to get John to return the favor. Soon, however, Atlas has his face buried in John’s meaty ass, priming him full of spit as he rims John’s and eats his hole. Muscle bear Atlas then works his uncut tool inside John and starts to fuck. Atlas puts John through his paces, putting the big, white bear into positions none of us anticipated. Alas, all too soon, things cum to an end, with each spewing a good load the other savors and shares.


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