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Patagonia Funny Adventure Part 1: Secret in the Mountain – Italo Van Ewen & Vincent Landi

Our favorite young Latinos travel to the south of the world, to Patagonia, where the mountains and forests are the ideal setting to meet and have sex. A unique place where they meet other cute boys who want to be intimate in the cabin where they are staying. In the first episode we have Italo and Vincent, admiring the mountains and the lake, when Vincent sees a bird that flies fleetingly. Italo misses it, but the boy says he wants to show him something… In the cabin, they kiss on the wooden staircase that goes up to the room. Italo not only wants to see his little bird, but he does an incredible masturbation to Vincent’s penis on the stairs while they continue kissing. With their penis very hard, they go straight to bed while they take off their clothes. The tattooed body of Italo naked is impressive, he wants to receive Vincent’s cock in his ass, so he sucks it on Vincent, the boy with glasses, who enjoys pleasure. He grabs his head tightly and grabs his mouth, putting his member in and out with great force. Vincent pulls Italo’s pants down to grope his ass while he sucks, licks his fingers, first one then the other, and sticks them in Italo’s anus hole… Wow. As she continues to suck there are moans of pleasure from both of them. The ass is already prepared to receive that very hard cock. Italo sits on Vincent’s cock, on his back and starts jumping and bouncing with great pleasure, his eyes narrow, he can’t believe the hard piece of meat he’s getting, he wants more. They kiss like this, backwards, while Vincent jerks him off at the same time as he penetrates him at high speed. Afterwards, they lay on their side on the bed, they start fucking like this, with Italo’s leg raised in the air. The passive has a ring on the nipple with which the active has fun, stimulates it while penetrating the boy’s tail at different speeds. Finally, Italo puts his legs up and receives a penis in the position that will make them both explode. While Vincent penetrates him, it is very hot, they are sweaty, they can’t stand it anymore, Vincent discharges his semen into Italo’s mouth, who licks it well with his tongue. At the same time that he receives the semen, he discharges his own sperm onto his own abs. They conclude with a white kiss and they go towards the sunset of the mountain, which we see through the window. Your secret is well kept with us. And of course, the adventure continues in the next episode where a boy gets lost and two others help him to position himself on the map… and of course they end up having a threesome in “Fun on the cabin in the wild”, not to be missed!


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