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Roman & Tyler

At some point in the past Roman had mentioned he really likes twinks, and he and Noah having been in a relationship in the past is certainly proof of that. Well, today’s your lucky day Roman! You’re about to have a go with one of the cutest, most endearing, sexiest twinks around! Tyler’s made quite the splash since landing at CF – we’re all loving his charm, his unabashed love for sex, and that outgoing personality. He’s a joy to see in action not just because he’s sexy as heck, but because it’s so obvious he’s having himself the time of his life. That’s as true as ever here as Tyler sucks Roman’s cock like a man on a mission and seems, for those several minutes, like there’s nothing he could ever possibly love more than having a stiff dick in his mouth. We know that’s not entirely true, though – Tyler loves having a stiff dick in his hole even more! Roman needed Tyler’s hole the second these two met. Tyler wanted Roman to rail him from the get go. Sit back and see these two young studs go at it!


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