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Rowan & Mason Get It On

I think it’s safe to say Rowan definitely bottomed more than he topped when he first worked with us. Indeed, that’s one of the things we liked about him most! He’s a hot, ripped stud with a super hot ass and it was a real treat not only watching him get railed, but also seeing just how much he clearly enjoyed it. Rowan’s recent return to CF has reminded me of what a stellar top he has always been as well, though! That buff body of his is built for some long, hard, intense sex, and that dick of his is always just as ready to go as that ass is! When watching the scorching hot action here, you’ll certainly see that Mason is beyond happy Rowan loves to top and is so darn good at it! Bent over on the bed, face down and ass up, the big load that blasts out of Mason’s cock while Rowan is pummeling his hole is the surest sign of that!


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