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Santa’s Little Helper – Austin Young & Dolf Dietrich

There’s very little that Austin wants for at Christmas. He’s grateful for so many things and blessed to have wonderful, loving people in his life! He’s also very lucky to have a network of tall, handsome men who love to use his mouth and ass like he’s their personal plaything… One such a giant is the lean, mean, tatted fuck machine, Dolf Dietrich. The gorgeous older man is happy to stop by for a little holiday fun; taking advantage of the colder weather and time off for a passionate fuck. Sporting a Santa cap, the 6’6” Adonis is quick to grab Austin with his long, strong arms, and kissing him softly before lifting him up off the ground. Little Austin is practically weightless in the big man’s embrace, feeling himself completely possessed by his handsome partner. From this height, Austin’s able to look into Dolf’s loving eyes, feeling his heart burst with desire as his cock begins to swell in his pants! Dolf takes off Austin’s clothes, revealing his compact, smooth, boyish body. His own member stands at attention seeing the dramatic difference in stature between them. Despite his height, it’s rare that Dolf can manhandle and dominate someone as small as Austin, making their relationship all the more special for him…


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