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Sweeter Than Usual – Romeo Davis & Ethan Chase

Think you’ve seen chemistry in action or heard dirty talk that makes you hard? Think again. Then put your earbuds in for this one because you just might come in your pants when you see AND hear this one! Romeo Davis comes home after a few days to find Ethan raring to go. They waste little time with foreplay, skipping almost immediately to some sloppy, wet, and loud cock sucking. Ethan’s hole, which Romeo finds sweeter than usual, is tight but hungry. And with every thrust, Romeo only opens him up more, going deeper, and plowing harder. Romeo takes possession of Ethan’s ass and wrecks his hole as he huffs and puffs and batters away. Eventually, as the momentum builds, Romeo breeds and seeds Ethan, who then flips on his back to stroke out an explosive load that splatters all over his chest and belly. Romeo, being the helpful aggressive top fucker that he is, scoops up Ethan’s jizz and feeds it to him. The action is intense, with enough dirty talk to get you close to the edge, and wet, before firing off a load of your own.


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