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Taking Him In – Romeo Davis & Jeremy Feist

Jeremy Feist is on the phone with his sister. She is still not happy about her boyfriend, Romeo Davis, coming home drunk. After kicking him out, Jeremy took him in, but now she wants to make sure her brother does not fuck her man. It is not exactly a promise Jeremy is about to keep. Romeo’s uncut cock is enormous, and Jeremy ends up on his knees, gagging as Romeo fucks his throat. Both strip down naked, and Romeo kicks back for service. Jeremy tries, but no matter how much he wants, he still cannot take all of Romeo’s massive meat down to the balls. And since Jeremy can’t take it all, Romeo is going to stuff something else. He eats Jeremy’s hairy ass, priming him and lubing him up with spit, then works that enormous slab inside. Romeo fucks Jeremy bareback, taking that hole and owning it, even as Jeremy cries out from the sheer pressure and pain. But does he ask Romeo to stop? No. If anything, he wants it harder! Romeo is all too happy to oblige, slamming Jeremy repeatedly and using his throbbing shaft as a battering ram. And after an incredibly intense fuck, Romeo blasts a huge wad of cum all over Jeremy, who strokes out an even bigger load.


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