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Talent Scouting – Tom Bentley & Dolf Dietrich
April 20, 2021
18 min
Dolf prides himself on his gut. Not his flat, washboard abs, but his instincts and keen perception. As a trainer, he needs to be able to size up his clients’ character as well as their physicality. Knowing who he can push harder helps him achieve their goals, but also gives him the satisfaction of seeing someone transform under his direction. Most of it is professional drive, but there is certainly a part of him that enjoys the thrill of having someone submit to him.
What he’s learned more than anything else is that size and strength are not always hand in hand. He’s worked with big, muscle bound adonises who are total wimps when it comes to his regimens. And he’s also known quite a few smaller twinks who never quit. Deep down, he’s more interested in working with the latter, knowing that he can push them to do anything without backing down… truly, anything.
When Tom came in for his assessment, Dolf was immediately impressed with his spirit. His can-do attitude practically glowed, filling the room with a big, cheerful personality. He couldn’t have been taller than 5’5”, but Dolf could see he had the heart of a champion. He asked the smaller guy to strip down to give him a look at what he was working with. Tom complied, not questioning his sudden disrobement for a second.
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